Wednesday 11 December 2013

Aim: To research and brainstorn the needs and desires of my target audience within Brighton so i can appeal to them effectively in my practical work

Which aspects of the Brighton music scene do you need to research the most?

  1. Existing indie bands in Brighton
  2. Existing indie record labels.
  3. Existing indie solo artists.

Aim: To plan and make an audio presentation as a way of pitching our magazine in a professional and detailed manner in order to appeal to a publisher.

  1. When public speaking, what is it important to do?
  • Speak clearly
  • Professional tone
  • Confident speaking.
  • No inappropriate language
  • No hesitation
  • Professional vocabulary
2.  If a publisher was listening to the pitch, what would they want to know about the project.
  • What genre of music your magazine is about.
  • How much charged for advertisements.
  • Your TMA.
  • How much it was to make the magazine.
  • Contents of magazine.
  • Outline of the magazine before detail.
  • Introducing yourself.
  • Personally passionate about the contents of this magazine.
Version 1