Thursday 27 February 2014

Font and Type Face

Font - a font is the style of text that is used in many computer programs to give your work a more interesting look. There are many different types of font e.g;

  • Arial - This is the main font that is used in Microsoft word and powerpoint.
  • Georgia - This is an eye catching font that has a slick look to it.
  • Helvetica - This font is similar to Arial but it has added more curved edges to the text. 
  • Verdana - Again, this font is similar to Arial but it has a bolder effect and stands out.
  • Times - This is a clean looking, olden times font that gives work an old look to it.
Type Face - Type Face is a selection of fonts that have all have their own unique look, the different looks can involve; 
  • 'Sans Serif' which is a simple type font with a really smooth look to it e.g. Sans Serif.
  • 'Serif' which is a text that is related to 'Sans Serif' but it has more of a pointy edge that looks   similar to a tail on every letter e.g. Serif.
Example of 'Sans Serif' and 'Serif' fonts.

Sans Serif;
  • This is a 'Sans Serif' font because it has a smooth look to it, this font is called 'Arial'
  • This is another 'Sans Serif' font, because it does not have the point on the edge of the letters, this is called 'Helvetica'
  • This is a 'Serif' font because it has the tail effect to it, This font is called 'Georgia'
  • Here is also another 'Serif' font because the text has points on the edges (tails) this font is 'Times'
Popular Typefaces include;
  • Times New Roman.
  • Helvetica.
  • Courier.
The typeface represents one aspect of a font. The font also includes such characteristics as size, weight, italics, and so on.
  • The maximum font size that is recommended would be around 12-14 because any higher looks pixelated and not as clean as it looks when the text is smaller, it is also bad to have big font because in a magazine, it would look more like a children's book.
  • This is the recommended 12-14 size, as you can see there is no pixelation in the text and looks like something that you could possibly use in a popular magazine.
  • Bigger than 12-14 looks un-neat and makes the reader feel a bit patronised. e.g. 'This is not suitable for a magazine'.
Compatibility Issues; 

If you personally download a font off of a website and use it in your work, then there is no problem because you have been granted permission to use it but when it comes to your work being sent to someone else who hasn't downloaded the font is a completely different story because they have not been granted permission to use this font.


'Leading/Ledding' refers to the distance between the baselines of successive lines of type, the term 'Leading' was introduced in the of hand-typesetting when thin strips of lead were inserted into the forms to increase the vertical distance between lines of type. The term is still used in modern page layout software such as QuarkXPress and Adobe InDesign.


typographykerning is the process of adjusting the spacing between characters in a proportional font, usually to achieve a visually pleasing result. Kerning adjusts the space between individual letter forms, while tracking adjusts spacing uniformly over a range of characters. In a well-kerned font, the two-dimensional blank spaces between each pair of characters all have similar area.


Justification is the typographic alignment setting of text or images within a column or 'measure' to align along both the left and right margin. Text set this way is said to be 'justified.' In justified text, the spaces between words, and, to a far lesser extent, between glyphs or letters, are stretched or sometimes compressed in order to make the text align with both the left and right margins.

Monday 24 February 2014

Unit 51 Task 2 -

- Copyright and digital images - an overview.

- New technology is progressing so quickly that the legislation is not able to keep up with the pace of the developments in the copyright area.

- There is no such thing as 'electronic or digital copyright' however copyright would still protect digital images in the same way as copyright is applied in the analogue world.
- Digital technology is the where copyright is mainly happening, the most common way is copying an image to your own work and claiming it as your own without permission.
- Trademarks, Design Rights and Photographs are other types of issues that effect digital images.
- What is copyright and what is its relevance to digital images?
- Copyright in the UK is a right that is afforded to creators of work that they do not want to be used in other peoples work, if it is then the person that used the work has to have permission to use this, copyright gives the creator control of his own work and they can decide what happens with it.
- The created and copyrighted work may be sold, lent or bought.
- What you must know when using a picture sourced from the internet.
- When copying a picture from the internet, you MUST make sure that the image is not copyrighted and you have been granted permission to use it in your own personal work.
- The consequences of copyright infringement in the US are quite severe. Those guilty of copyright infringement may have to pay a large fine, from $200 to $150,000. A jail sentence is also possible.
- When a copyrighted image/video is used without permission, the creator of the project is missing out on the money that is involved in the image/video itself.

Thursday 13 February 2014

To plan photoshoot for DPS by researching images and evaluating the last shoot for the front cover

  1. How could I have taken better photos for my photo shoot?
  • Use a more natural background other than a studio with a white background.
  • Use more props other than a single light and a chair.
  • Get more models to use.
 2. Which made up act will feature in your DPS
  • I am going to be featuring the triple bananas because they are a group of men who are creative and they make good indie music.
 3. Who will model and why?
  • I will be using jack A as one of my models
  • I will also be using my little brother.

 4. Which settings in Brighton could use and why?

- I could use the lanes in Brighton for their walls of graffiti.