Thursday 13 February 2014

To plan photoshoot for DPS by researching images and evaluating the last shoot for the front cover

  1. How could I have taken better photos for my photo shoot?
  • Use a more natural background other than a studio with a white background.
  • Use more props other than a single light and a chair.
  • Get more models to use.
 2. Which made up act will feature in your DPS
  • I am going to be featuring the triple bananas because they are a group of men who are creative and they make good indie music.
 3. Who will model and why?
  • I will be using jack A as one of my models
  • I will also be using my little brother.

 4. Which settings in Brighton could use and why?

- I could use the lanes in Brighton for their walls of graffiti.

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