Wednesday 23 October 2013

To construct a health and safety assessment of one or more photoshoots i will be conduction for my magazine considering all possible eventualities

Key Skills:
- Professional responsibility.
- Applying my knowledge of professional practices.
- Showing forethought and evidence of planning an event.
- Using the opportunity to research independently for my individual situation/s.

TUC - Trades Union Congress
- Represents British workers rights.

The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
- Had to be followed by all employers/authorities responsible for workers in UK.
- A H&S Commission was created (it protected people against risks to H&S in terms of:
  • Dangerous substances/materials.
  • Maintenances of systems.
  • Provision of instruction and training.
  • Working environments.
  • Allowing unions the right to create reps to enforce it.
  • Inspectors could gain access to workplaces.
NUJ - National Union of Journalists.
- Represents UK Journalists and protects their rights.
- Has a committee which meets just to discuss H&S.
- See:

NUJ H&S Concerns:
  • Bullying
  • Stress
  • Repetitive Strain injury (RSI)
  • Public Order Situations
  • Conflict Zones
  • Exiled Journalists
What types of risks may there be in a photoshoot?
  • Flash could trigger photosensitive epilepsy.
  • Fire - Electricity fault, Light Falling over.
  • Tripping over wires.
  • Falling from an elevated position
  • Electrocution (water + Electricity)
Hazard: Anything that can cause harm (e.g. a chemical, Electricity, Ladders etc).
Risk: How great the chance that someone will be harmed by the hazard.

Assessing the risks:
The likelihood of harm may be rated:
1. High - Where is certain that harm will occur.
2. Medium - Where harm will often occur.
3. Low - Where harm may barely occur.

1.Major - Death or major illness
2.Serious - Injury causing temporal disability
3.Slight - All other injuries or illnesses

Risk = Severity of Harm x Likelihood of occurrence.
- This sum gives a risk value of 1 --> 9 allowing a comparison of risks.
- 1 = HIGH Risk | 9 = LOW Risk.

What are the main hazards within the location of your photoshoot?

- The lights are really hot so that is a big fire hazard.
- There was quite a lot of boxes around so its an easy tripping hazard.
- There was wires running along the floor, another easy tripping hazard.
- There was a lot of people so there was quite a bit of loud talking which means we couldn't hear each other.

What do you need to find out about your venue? How can you investigate?

My risk assessment for my photoshoot -

1 comment:

  1. Whilst you are following procedure using this form and offering ideas which are mostly appropriate, you are lacking a huge amount of detail. You haven’t mentioned the location or precise areas within it. To improve, you need to prove real evidence of research in terms of official procedure in that location and using your initiative to find out more about current controls in place by that establishment assuming it’s a public place. Don’t forget on your blog you also need to submit images of the location on the same post, so that you can illustrate what you’re discussing.
