Monday 7 October 2013

Aim: To further identify those involved in the creation of a printed magazine and investigate issues prior to production.

Problems and Troubleshooting

-Camera; May get stolen or lost.
-Laptop; Battery may die.
-Lenses; Can crack if the camera gets dropped.
-Props; Might break or have something wrong with them.
-Clothes; May not fit
-Batteries; If the camera ones run out.
-Tripod; Legs may break.
-Lighting; May get too late outside or bulb may blow inside.
-SD Card; if the one in the camera is full and cant hold any more pictures.
-iPad; May break, get stolen or have no Wi-Fi.
-Charging Points; May not be one around.


-Camera; keep on a wrist strap to prevent from being stolen or losing it.
-Laptop; Bring a charger for it and make sure you know where a charging point is.
-Lenses; Bring spare lenses for the camera.
-Props; Bring a variety of props and make sure they are good quality.
-Clothes; Make sure they fit.
-Batteries; Make sure they are new batteries and not used.
-Tripod; Bring a spare or check several times before you leave to take the pictures.
-Lighting; Make sure you take the pictures in a bright scene, try not to make them dull and boring.
-SD Card; Bring spares to prevent not being able to take any more pictures.
-iPad; Bring a charger and make sure you know where a charge point is, and wear a wrist strap.
-Charging Points; Make sure you know where one is to ensure that you're able to charge your device
-Food; Might get really hungry.
-Drink; Must stay hydrated.
-Personal Needs; Might not be a toilet or facilities around anywhere.
-Umbrella; If it rains, equipment might get wet and become faulty.
-Charging Points; Make sure you know where one is, to be able to charge your device.
-Changing Room; To feel more comfortable whilst getting changed from outfit to outfit.


-Dance Clubs.
-Places With Nice Scenery.
-Green Screen.
-Plain White Background.
-Solid Colour Background.


-Max Clark.
-Sean White.
-Andrew Le-Goubin.
-Todd Tucker.
-Gyles Belgrave.


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