Wednesday 25 September 2013

Code Of Practice Homework - Ms Bennett

Codes Practice

The foundation stone of the successful self-regulatory system which the Press Complaints Commission administers is the Code of Practice.

The Code performs a dual function: it gives the industry a firm set of principles to guide it; and it gives the Commission a clear and consistent framework within which it can address complaints from members of the public. The Code is, crucially, the industries own Code. Although it must be ratified by the independent PCC to take effect, it is the fact that the Code is drafted by the industry that ensures the unswerving commitment of all sectors of the newspaper and magazine publishing sector to self-regulation and to the PCC. In addition, the incorporation of the Code into editors' and journalists' contracts of employment provides self-regulation.

The Code is reviewed periodically by a special committee of editors (the Code of Practice Committee). It takes account of public and Parliamentary comment as well as of reports from the Press Complaints Commission itself. The Code is therefore constantly developing and responding quickly to changing practices and technology in the industry and to the concerns of readers.

The Code of Practice Committee is made up of editors from across the newspaper and magazine industries. The members of the Code Committee are appointed on the basis of nominations from the five publishers' associations of the press in the United Kingdom (the Newspaper Society, the Newspaper Publishers Association, the Scottish Newspapers Publishers' Association, the Scottish Daily Newspaper Society and the Periodical Publishers Association).

The Press Complaints Commission takes the final responsibility for the Code of Practice and ratifies any changes to it.

The Chairman and the Director of the PCC also attend meetings of the Code of Practice Committee in an ex-official capacity.

1 comment:

  1. Sonny this is just copied and pasted from PCC website and it doesn't explain what the codes actually are. It is ok to copy the list of codes but I would also expect you to comment on them and you need to reference the website otherwise this is plagiarism. Thanks Ms B
