Monday 16 September 2013

Codes Practice + Regulation


UK Defamation act 1996, are intended to protect the reputation of an individual against unjustified and unwarranted attacks. Any communication that is held to damage a reputation is considered defamatory even if it is fiction, meaning that such things as television, plays and magazine short stories fall under the remit of the law if they are seen to harm an individual. Libel is when information is published and slander is the verbal form of defamation.

Terms Of Copyright

Copyright is the protection of peoples work, to make sure no strangers can make profit from your personal work. Copyright law in the UK dates back to the statue of Anne, 1709 but became statutory law in 1911 with the passing of the copyright act.

Data Protection and Privacy

1. Cannot pass info on to 3rd parties.
2. Data Protection Act 1988
3. Protects personal information, such as; phone numbers and house addresses.
4. Privacy - no law for personal privacy when intruded upon.

Reference: Whittaker, J. (2008) Magazine Production
London: Routledge.

1 comment:

  1. Good clear explanations Sonny however there is some clear copying directly from the book especially in your explanation of defamation. Please reword - look up synonyms in word to help you. Well done for referencing the book. Please publish your page on Picture/Art editor and image sourcing. Thanks Ms B.
